Abstract guidelines

Abstract guidelines

Abstracts should be written in English. The maximum length of an abstract is 2000 characters including characters and spaces. Characters are counted in the body of the abstract:

- Background;
- Aim;
- Methods;
- Results;
- Conclusions;
- Tables and Figures.

It is possible to present your results via a single image or one table. This will deduct one character from the character count. However, we do not recommend using an image or a table unless this is crucial for the interpretation of your results.

Abstract submission is open between January 9th – February 28th (24:00). Only abstracts submitted before this time will be reviewed.

Target Audience

The title should be an accurate description of the abstract’s contents. It should be limited to 20 words. The title should not include jargon or abbreviations or unfamiliar acronyms. The title must begin with a capital letter and be followed by lowercase letters.


Titles should be bold.


The author who will present the abstract should be listed first. Use the author’s last name and initials.


Write down author's affiliation details: department, institution/hospital, city, country. According affiliations should be denoted with a number linked to each author.


Introduce your research, highlight the importance of your research.


State your aim(s).


Give a concise description of the methods you used.


Select and report the important results of your study. Do not include a table or figure unless you need it to show your results.


Report in one or two sentences the most important findings and their implications.


A maximum of 1 table of up to 10 rows x 10 columns can be included per abstract. The table should be uploaded in either DOC or DOCX format.


You may upload graphs or images only in PNG, JPG or JPEG format.

Submit your abstract.

Information about the program, abstract submission and registration will follow soon on this website.