Speakers and stands 2024

We will invite inspiring keynote speakers from the diverse branches within Rotterdam who will share their valuable insights and experiences. Explore a diverse range of sectors and gain inspiration from the success stories and lessons of these local experts. More information about the keynote speakers will follow soon.

Sophia Research Day Moderator

Christiaan Vermaas

Christiaan Vermaas is a resident in the Emergency Department and the founder of the media company 2MED4U. The idea to use videos to support patients and healthcare providers in the healthcare process arose from his own experience on the job, realizing there wasn't enough time at the patient's bedside. Since its start last year, he has been assisting more and more healthcare institutions in transitioning to digital care through informative videos. His strength lies in making the connection between patients and healthcare providers as both a medical professional and a media creator, conveying complex knowledge in an understandable way. Driven by this belief, he also focuses on speaking and moderating medical conferences to raise awareness about communication and digitization in healthcare.

Keynote Speakers

Klaas Jan Oldenburger

The essence of an improvement culture: How often do we actually zoom out from our daily tasks and responsibilities and ask ourselves; “how are we doing as a team?”, “is our team performance meeting expectations?”, “what do we need to improve this week to cope with (new) challenges?”, “when can we see the results of our improvements?” From the Erasmus MC Verbeteraanpak, we are continuously working on our improvement culture, with many colleagues facing many challenges. We will address the importance and essential routines of “out of the box” improvements and let you experience the fun of it!

Sanne Blauw

Whether it's your child's school report, your research results, election outcomes, or the number of virus infections during a pandemic – numbers are everywhere, and they influence what your life looks like. But the biggest misconception about numbers? That they would be objective. Econometrician Sanne Blauw, who earned her doctorate at Erasmus University, delved into the world behind the figures. She wrote "Het bestverkochte boek ooit (met deze titel)" [The bestselling book ever (with this title)], a plea to put numbers back in their place.

Break-out sessions: Out of or box, into Rotterdam

Healthy Start: Transdisciplinary methods to have impact

Co-creation, focus groups, design thinking, systems thinking, simulation modeling, big data analytics… these are not merely buzzwords but integral tools that can significantly enhance the effectiveness and impact of your research. Understanding these methods and their practical applications can transform the way you approach your projects. We have invited our Healthy Start transdisciplinary researchers to explain these methodologies for you. They will share their insights, experiences, and the benefits these approaches have contributed to their research, providing you with a roadmap to leverage these strategies effectively in your own studies.

Session outline:
- Opening: An introduction to Healthy Start by our Ambition Leads, Arend van Deutekom and Rob Taal.
- Methodology Insights: Presentations by three Healthy Start researchers showcasing applications and outcomes of various methodologies such as interviewing and focus groups, co-creation, simulation modeling, and data-driven analysis.
- Discussion and Conclusion: Moderation by Arend van Deutekom and Rob Taal, facilitating a wrap-up of the insights shared and how they can be applied for impactful research.

Rob Taal
Arend van Deutekom

PROTECtME: How children can make your work better!

Always wondered how and why child participation could benefit (mental) health care practice and research? With this workshop we aim to help you add a little “co-creativity” to the Sophia children’s hospital.

Workshop content:
- Intro to the why and how of co-creation with children
- Middle part: Getting creative
- Reflection and discussion

Joyce Weeland works as assistant professor at the Youth & Family department of the Erasmus University. In her work she noticed that although children are the focus of numerous studies on (mental) health, they seldom participate in scientific research that informs interventions or health innovations in a meaningful way. This is a missed opportunity for research, for practice and for children. As project leader of SPARK Joyce therefore aims to promote child participation and to support professionals and researchers in (mental) health care in involving children in their work.

Niko Vegt works as senior researcher at Erasmus University and TU Delft. He is educated as a designer and works on the intersection of social science and design practice. Throughout his research career he collaboratively developed serious games (e.g., Torries educational program) and eHealth applications in the fields of neurology (e.g., Huntington Support App), obesity (e.g., Ball & Stick game), and pediatrics (e.g., Hospital Hero App). For the success of these innovations, the contribution of end-users and other stakeholders was crucial. In his present postdoc positions, Niko’s mission is to promote stakeholder participation in research projects by investigating and developing co-creation methodology.

Joyce Weeland
Niko Vegt

Klaas Jan Oldenburger: Puzzle game

In this break-out session, you will get some hands-on experience regarding improvement culture and working as a team! Delve into a puzzle game with some of your fellow researchers and Klaas Jan Oldenburger.

Rotterdam Partners: When Science Impacts the City

How an established international scientific congress met the needs of its professional community, while also making a positive impact on citizens. In this session we will tell the story of why it is important to bid on and host international congresses. We will explain how the bid was created, how the congress was thoughtfully organized to meet sustainability ambitions, and how the local committee, the municipality and Rotterdam Partners created a legacy initiative for impact in the city.